I think that people of different ideas, faiths, etc. should listen to each other more. At the very least, hear the other person out. I think the older generation is too stubborn to listen to the other side. And we need to learn from the mistakes of our parents. Doesn't mean you have to agree, but you need to have the forbearance to listen and agree to disagree.
I feel with the addition of social networking, we are connected more. But through the web/email/social networks more than through talking to each other live. those social networks are now a thing to talk about amongst my circle. its a weird personal disconnection, but also a very interactive connection through the web.
The younger generation rely way too much on technology and seriously lack social skills in many ways.
Many people live in their own little "bubble". Maybe, need technology?
I feel like the country is going downhill very quickly because people don't think for themselves anymore, and only mimic what they hear on t.v and what is driven by the media.
We are de-uniting. We are becoming a more selfish, greedy society.
Spend more time face to face with phones turned off.
Until the economy recovers, more and more people will stay into themselves and into their own inner circle as they feel they have to protect themselves
i think its falling apart
ever one just needs to look after each other a little more
The monetary system sucks
I think the only Honest leadership is of a small band or tribe with nothing more than the tribe's interest,
are now anti-evolving as a species. The most likely people on the planet to survive, reproduce, and live into the future of a global economy are the richest, dirtiest (ethically), and most inconsiderate of us.
they're each just waiting for their turn to speak.
Branjolina doesnt matter, Tom Cruise doesn't matter, people fill their minds and their energy with such negative, useless stuff.
We value celebrities and their unreal real life. We value crimes, shocking stories, and horrible accidents.
I think we have taken several steps back and are much more myopic and self centered then we were a few decades ago.
I like that we have social forums like facebook to reach out to more people that we would normally have in our social circles.
Local government has failed its people severely.
People as a whole have become a lot more greedy.
We need more face-to-face discourse, less reliance on electronic devices and short cuts.
seems we have less and less time to spend on personal relationships.
This online age, this age of 2.0 has disconnected people in so many ways it's not worth arguing. Everyone sees it in their daily lives, yet not many see it for what it is, we've become acclimated to this dis sensitivity.
I think we should get back to some of the basics of communication like using eye contact, being more attentive and being more open to suggestions or different views.
We always think of what we're about to say next rather than truly listening to the other person...
I feel that the Internet has had a major negative impact on how we treat each other as people. We are much ruder than before, and online the attacks are shockingly racist, sexist, and even evil.
Its like an insult media frenzy most of the time
It's a me-me-me society.
I think the more "connected" people get on social networks and cell phone and e-mail, the less we interact on a personal level, the more rude people seem, and the less we seem actually connected on an interpersonal level.
I think that people can connect and get in touch with each other much more easily thanks to the advancements in technology
everyone cares so much about themselves and are so selfish that they will keep the connection further apart. If we were all able to consider each others feelings and begin using less technology again to communicate we can get feelings across easier
Not enough involvement in community and caring for others.
People fake kindness and emotion too much; many people are selfish
If we keep going at the rate we have been, we, as a people, are in real danger of losing connectivity.
I think the advent of mass media and communication shows how narcissistic we are.
I also think that the more technologically dependent we are, the less in-person exposure is to be had for developing interpersonal and social skills.
I feel like everything is more superficial now, due to the internet and technology
No real camraderie, we only get together as a whole over something negative or bad happens to someone else.
Nobody of the much bigger groups (political, government, etc) are really listening to each other nowadays
Most people are not really connected, mostly superficial relationships
We have developed instant communication before we became responsible and civil enough to use it correctly.
Should focus more on fostering communities with face-to-face contact.
Families could sit down together for dinner,and turn the cell phones and t.v. off!
We need to communicate more and do more face to face interacting
There seems to be a lot more people that shelter themselves on the internet and don't have social skills.
People are beginning to rely on online communication too much.
there is more arguing than talking.
listen to each other and not try to interupt
use less electronics and more face to face communication
I think people are relying more upon emails and gadgets and we need to do more direct and in-person interaction.
I feel like our country is disconnected from each other despite all our technology.
In times of community trials and need, we see the banding of people helping one another
but I think at some point people will just get sick of it and time spent texting or emailing will get shorter and shorter.
until the economy got bad and families were forced to rely on relatives and everyone has to live together...funny how things/ unseen forces have a way of making people live and behave like they really should.
I feel in my circle of my friends, my relationships are very strong. However, when looking at the world as a whole, relationships are very weak.
I feel like relations as a nation are improving. with social sites such as facebook or myspace, alot of poeple are becoming better acquainted with each other.
people are becoming more selfish, people have less time to deal with politics, less time to work on having a quality connection with friends & family.
If every person would take 2 minutes to compliment a complete stranger...I feel this world would be a better place.
Technology is a runaway train
I think people are too reliant on email, cell phones, etc. for communication
Seems like we only come together when we are threatened or under attack by another country
Society has given its people the freedom to voice their opinions to the point where no one cares to even listen as long as they get their word out
we need to lay off the facebook
I believe people are still kind and caring and thoughtful, but we've lost any sense of decorum on how to treat each other in person-to-person situations and this frightens me.
I think that there is alot of fear in the whole contry that prevents use as a whole from really coming together.
Its easier to be an a..hole through an email than in person.
Egoism has led to selfish and predatory behavior in the workplace and the traditional safety net of the familial structure has been on decline for the last 60 years. This results in people being alienated from one another and from their own selves, and so worried about their jobs that they are not up for being social.
I think we ignore each other more due to technology (ipods, cell phone) people are so into their own thing they tend to ignore others.
We just need to treat one another better and pay full attention instead of texting on our phones or being preoccupied with something else.
No one wants to hear opposing points of view
people (including me) need to do a better job of listening.
I think our country seems more divided than ever when it comes to race, politics, ideas, and how they connect with one another.
Since most of our connections are through electronics, family and close friend ties have gotten worse.
we see a lot more of who someone "really is" at their psyche than we did in school and work social situations prior to the information revolution. For better or for worse.
I think we will distance ourselves more and more from each other as we use technology more and more.
we are being conditioned to have short attention spans.
A lot of people seem to be withdrawing more away from reality and in person speaking and gravitating to the online world.
People don't even care about actually relating to each other and view interaction as some sort of contest that they try to win
When you smile and say hi to someone on the street, they ignore you, or look at you crazy. I think people are losing their inner self and becoming selfish
I just think maybe there should be more balance. Ideally, things like cell phones, e-mail, online communities, etc should make for much better interpersonal relations considering the fact that we have more and faster ways to communicate with each other. But I feel we tend to get a little too caught up in the electronic communication and the in person relations suffer for it.
I believe since our nation has been economically depressed, more and more people have expressed more gratitude towards one another. Online networking has a role in this too. People tend to be more upbeat about things because they're willing to share their everyday life activities with one another via online networking.
People seem much more insular and less willing to connect outside their belief system or circle of established friends.
People seem much more insular and less willing to connect outside their belief system or circle of established friends.
I have literally seen people dating where they sit across from one another in a restaurant and text and laugh rather than look one another in the eye and speak like normal humans should do
Technology has not helped foster close relationships. We need to get back to the era of house calls and meeting people face to face.
when 9/11 happened we drew together as a nation & helped one another & showed support & kindness to one another. It was amazing! now it seems that has been forgotten & people are back to their self-centered ways, rushing through life & forgetting about others. very sad :( we need to wake up & help one another freely again.
people communicate via text or IM when they should be conversing in person -- breaking up with someone.. saying happy birthday..etc.